Monday, January 4, 2010

Tropical Fish Drawings Can I Have Tropical Fish From Different Aqurian Shops?

Can i have tropical fish from different aqurian shops? - tropical fish drawings

I wonder if I have a aqaurian other tropical fish store I bought all my fish at 1 store aquarium can buy aqaurian are small tropical fish (guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, gouramis), I wonder if I now a few days are more small tropical fish (peaceful) aqaurian another store. ?

So I can buy tropical fish from 2 different tropical aqurians?

If the fish is more alert to disease?

Are there any precautions?


PRM said...

If this is not a problem. ) I live in Edinburgh (United Kingdom and I'm happy, many aquarium stores high-quality fish you can buy without having to buy die on me.

Check the tank before you buy, if the fish are dead or bad aspect of buying into the tank then dont.

Until you more shares of the tank and if you do that you have a good filter and maintain weekly water change and gravel vac.

Simply add 2 or 3 fish 1 time emphasizes the other and then they can catch diseases. Leave the fish for 2 weeks here, before you add more fish

PRM said...

If this is not a problem. ) I live in Edinburgh (United Kingdom and I'm happy, many aquarium stores high-quality fish you can buy without having to buy die on me.

Check the tank before you buy, if the fish are dead or bad aspect of buying into the tank then dont.

Until you more shares of the tank and if you do that you have a good filter and maintain weekly water change and gravel vac.

Simply add 2 or 3 fish 1 time emphasizes the other and then they can catch diseases. Leave the fish for 2 weeks here, before you add more fish

ZooTycoo... said...

Yes, as the business does not appear to be diseased fish or to try to something that you do not need to sell. I buy my fish in 3 different shops and they do well. Make sure they are communities of fish and float the bag in water for 15-20 minutes.


Spikeand... said...

I would not if I just go shopping

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