How do you pronounce the name Cihangir ? - pronounce cihangir
It can be pronounced as it looks, but I want to be sure, so if I wanted to ask here, as you say the name Cihangir?
How do you pronounce the name Cihangir ? - pronounce cihangir
It can be pronounced as it looks, but I want to be sure, so if I wanted to ask here, as you say the name Cihangir?
Use this source to the spoken pronunciation.
Turks, if the name is pronounced - JU-Chu-hung or Gur Gur-hang with the "U" as the sound of it are in Japanese.
Turks, if the name is pronounced - JU-Chu-hung or Gur Gur-hang with the "U" as the sound of it are in Japanese.
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